Friday 9 May 2014

Xperia Z2 vs Galaxy S5 You Choose!

Dying for some Xperia hotness of your own? Do what we did; watch this comparison video and You would be in a better position to make that decision. What's cooler than a Snapdragon 801-powered, 5-inch-plus, waterproof smartphone? Another Snapdragon 801-powered, 5-inch-plus, waterproof smartphone. That's a poem by noted smartphone researcher Eesee Oveur Eyenot, and while it tells part of the Samsung/Sony drama of 2014, it sure doesn't come close to painting the whole picture. The Xperia Z2 vs Galaxy S5 rivalry is a story of similar specs, yes -- but it's also a tale of dueling casings, design approaches, and even lifestyles. One device comes to the ring courtesy of a once-unstoppable juggernaut that's recently let off on the gas somewhat, while the other represents another massive manufacturer not often heard from in the United States (which is fast becoming a shame). From the glass-vs-plastic debate to the measurement of the megapixels, we cover as much as we possibly can in this observation-packed comparison. So join us for Xperia Z2 vs Galaxy S5; even if you're not waffling between these particular options, you'll get a slick preview of our forthcoming Xperia Z2 review.


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