Let's open this box and see what we have inside!
We have lots of different molds,

including a stamper that we can make peppa,

with this stamper we can make George & Dinosaur,

one extruder,

base for cars, we can make here two different cars,

another stamper so we can make Danny dog!

With this one we can make suzy sheep,



another tree,

two moulding tools,

and eyes (8 of them) so we can decorate our characters,

we also have here, a huge play mat! With a bridge and more moulds.

With this play set we also got four cans of dough! And on the lead of each of the cans we can make one character,

with the colour pink, we can make peppa pig and teddy,

green; Danny dog!

Yellow; we can make george!

And blue; we can make candy cat!
Well time to start moulding and have some fun in this princess castle! First we're gonna use

green dough and make a mould of a dinosaur, this dough is actually a lot like play-doh, so if you wanna use other colours you can definitely use play-doh.
Now we just have to remove the extra play dough from the sides, and the dinosaur is done!

With pink play dough we're gonna make a little car,

and there our litlle play dough car is done!

Now let's go over the bridge,

and back.
Time to make a mould of suzy sheep,

you just have to press really really good. We just made a perfect mould! Let's give her eyes,

and other little details!

Suzy sheep is done! And She looks adorable.
let's make peppa's little brother George and dinosaur! George is gonna be blue, and dinosaur is gonna be green.

Now we gonna give them eyes and other details, George and dinosaur are done!
Now is time to mould peppa!

We have to press it really really good, time to give this peppa so details, first we gonna work on her nose, give her eyes,

here is the chick, and now she needs a dress. Since peppa loves to play dress up, we are gonna make a little crown!

And now peppa pig is a little princess! With green dough we're gonna make Danny dog,

now we're gonna give him some little details. So now there we have:

George, the dinosaur, suzy sheep, Danny dog, and princess peppa.
Let's make another car! But this time using a sparkling play-doh!

Time to go for a ride princess peppa!

Time to use the extruder!

Well guys thanks for viewing my presentation and stay tuned for a lot more from peppa pig and play-doh right here on disney toys collector!

Disney Collector brings hours of fun w/ this new Peppa Pig Castle Playdough playset. Includes 4 dough, 8 eyes, cardboard, bridge blister with small moulds, 1 Car with wheels 1 piping tool, 2 tools, scissors, 2 trees, dough stamper to make George and his Dinosaur Chomposaurus, another playdough stamper to make Princess-Peppa-Pig, another stamper to make Danny Dog and one to make Susy Sheep. Learn to create new colors by mixing the Play Doh. This play set is also called: kasteel, château, Slot, Schloss, κάστρο, castello, zamek, замок, castillo. Thx 4 watchin "Peppa Pig Castle Dough Play Set" by DisneycollectorBR. Peppa is a cartoon for toddlers, infants and preschool children about a female pig that enjoys jumping in muddy puddles. Peppa Pig World includes Daddy Pig, Mommy Pig, George and his Chomposaurus Dinosaur. Here is how she is also called: Porca Peppa, Porquinha Peppa, Cerdita Peppa, 粉红猪小妹, ペッパピッグ, "Miss Pink Pig" "Praščić Pepa" "Prasátko Peppa" "Peppa Big" "Pipsa Possu" "Peppa Wutz" "Πέππα το Γουρουνάκι" "Πεππα το γουρουνάκι" "Świnka Peppa" "Purcelusa Peppa" "Свинка Пеппа" "Pepa Prase" "Pujsa Pepa" "Peppa Gris" "Gurli Gris" "Gurra Grís" "Peppa Pinc" "Pepa, la Porqueta" "Peppa no buta" "Peppa zhū" "pink Peppa" "Peppa Muc" "Peppa Malac" "Пепа Прасе" "пепа пигс". Here's how playdoh is also called; plastilina, pasta de modelar, arcilla, juegos de moldear, juegos de modelar, manualidades, Play-Doh, Playdough, Clay, Modeling clay, Plastilina, Plasticine, Pâte à modeler, Modelliermasse, Plastilin, Plastiline, Plasticina, Massa de modelar, Massinhas de modelar, Modellera, Crayola, πλαστελίνη, пластилин, лепка из глины, 플라, 점토, プラスティシーン, 粘土. Maialina Peppa è un cartone animato indirizzato ad un pubblico di bambini di età prescolare. Lei è una maialina molto curiosa. I giochi preferiti dela sono saltare sulle pozzanghere di fango o giocare a fatine e principesse con l'inseparabile amica Suzy pecora. La famiglia di Peppa Pig è composta dal fratellino minore George che adora i dinosauro, Mamma Pig e Papà Pig. La Cerdita es un pequeño cerdo lindo que vive con su hermano George ama a su dinosaurio, mamá y papá Pig. Ella encanta jugar disfrazarse, pero lo que ella prefiere la mayoría es saltar charcos de lodo! Su familia prefiere paseando con sus autos. A Porquinha Peppa é um desenho de animação. Conta a história de uma porca rosa que adora pular poças de lama. A família dela é o mais novo Porquinho George que ama dinossauros, Mamãe é cozinheira e Papai adora viajar de carros e comer biscoitos. Peppa Wutz ist eine britische Zeichentrick-Fernsehserie für Kinder. Premiere fand im 2005 im Cartoon Network statt.Peppa Wutz ist ein weibliches Ferkel, das wie die anderen Tiere der Sendung vermenschlicht dargestellt wird. Source
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