Sunday 17 August 2014

Mike The Merman with Mermaid Girl Friend Romie Save Disney Frozen Elsa with Norie

Norie: Oh well mike the super merman, your beach house is amazing, I can't believe I came to stay here with you, by the way how do you afford a beach house? Do you have a job or anything you're kind of more a superhero do superheroes make money? Mike: well this is actually barbie's parents beach house they are so nice, that they let me stay in it while they are gone for free. Norie: hey mike I hope you don't mind if I invited my sister over to the beach house? I have been telling her all about you and she just can't wait to meet you! Mike: Wow! I'm meeting the family already! We are moving quite fast aren't we? 

Norie: hey that what we always wants quite well! (Door Bell) Oh that's her! Let me go get it. Oh Norie! Norie: Oh Romie! Am so happy to finally meet U again, it's been so long! Norie: Romie this is my Boy Friend Mike, the Super Merman and he's a hero, he helps me control my  air under water! He gave me some special seaweed so romantic! Mike: How do you do Miss Norie? Romie: Oh Hello Mike wow! You are very handsome, she was right! Mike: so Norie! Are you a Special mermaid? Like your beautiful sister here! Romie: Am! actually am a butterfly fairy, am I have big beautiful wings, I just have them down right now see them back here. And if I wanna fluff them, am just gonna shake a little bit, and there they are! Aren't they so beautiful? And Really em!  Colourful? oh and I can fly so good in them too! Mike: well that is quite remarkable! Two sisters one a mermaid and one a fairy! Are there any other special family members like you guys? Romie: well family wise it's just me and Romie em! See we were turned into what we are by this psyche princess who had like really special magical powers who wandered into our world. So! Here we are today, Em! a fairy and a mermaid with awesome powers  Norie: hey!  What is wrong with you, what are you doing? Mike: Those were my mood sensors that's how I can tell when someone needs help, or something's wrong! I can feel that Elsa's. Something is wrong with elsa, we need to go and see her. Norie: Oh elsa needs us? Okay! Should we go over there? Mike: yes we must go! I'll transport us there! Shall The path of the ocean, take us to elsa's castle la la la [melody]. Alright every one, am here, what's wrong with elsa?  Well! The kids really wanted to ice skate, and so elsa decided to put ice all over the floor! You know, with her frozen powers and all, and then she forgot that she put ice in the lobby too so when she went to the hall, she slept and hit her head really really hard. With the fall she really hit her head hard and she has no memory any more, she doesn't even know my name! Or her kid's names, mummy, mummy how old am I? come on mum, how old am I? Elsa: Little girl why you keep on asking me how old you are? And am not your mum! I don't even know who you are! Mike: my, this is quite a weird situation. Elsa: hey! Who's the mermaid guy he's kinda weird looking like part fish, and part human, you know what, actually am changing my mind he's pretty cool. Mike: I have plenty of powers but I don't have strong enough powers to reach deep inside someone's conscience and their mind and bring back their thoughts and their love and their memories, happiness, I just eh! Am not that powerful enough for this, I don't know how to help! Norie: hey! Romie, remember when our master gave us our powers, didn't she like incorporate into yours like you know how dolphins have this telepathic um mind that's like really advanced, and she gave you something like that where you can read into someone's mind and like pull things from it! Romie: oh Yeah! I think so! But I never tried it before, you know, especially in a situation like this, to get somebody's memory back I, I don't know if I can do it.   Please mermaid help my mummy get her memory back... Romie: Oh Come here little chipmunk boy, do you want some ink coins oh you are so cute. Mike: please romie, my love please just try at least use your beautiful powers that were gifted upon you to help poor elsa bring her memory back! Romie: oh! Alright honey I'll try it. Now elsa this might be a little weird! but I just have to touch my fingers to your temples and that should connect my powers to your brain and you get your brain and memory back um who are you? And who is elsa? I have no idea what's going on right here right now, huh boy, well here we go! Elsa: wow, wow, wow, my head hurts wow what's going on oh! Aargh! Here hey. Where is all that Ice. I made for the kids to skate on, Romie! What are you doing in my palace?  Norie: well elsa I'm here to save your life, you just slept on that ice, lost your memory and you didn't know anything, you didn't even remember who your kids were! Elsa: wow! Are you serious? I didn't really think this happened. Romie: I know how horrible, I'm just so happy, I can help you out elsa! Elsa: romie! You are a life, saver thanks so much! Norie: That was absolutely amazing romie. Am so glad to call you my sweet sister Mike: oh romie, you are just so beautiful and talented and smart and powerful. Oh! We are just made for each other. Romie: oh you know it's just another day in the lives of our awesome beautiful mermaid 


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